Governance Portfolio
29 June 2023
With the release of the AHPRA Guidelines for medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery and procedures set to take effect on July 1st, 2023 you may be asking how this will impact the sector more broadly.
Dermal Clinicians and Dermal Therapists are required to adhere to best practices and evidence-based standards of care. Dermal health professionals must ensure they are up to date and comply with all Commonwealth, state, and local council laws, regulations, or guidelines as well as profession-determined policies and procedures related to the services they provide.
The Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians published in July 2022 the code of ethical practice and standards of care for dermal health professionals. These were designed to be in alignment with standards, regulations, and guidelines that were in existence at that time.
The ASDC will review these documents every two (2) years to ensure that the document maintains currency with the development of and changes in the scope of practice. It will also be bench-marked against national and international standards to ensure that there is consensus and discussion with professional bodies regarding the emerging issues that face dermal health professionals now and into the future.
Click the link and subscribe to the ASDC website to read our update on considerations and possible impacts for dermal health professionals by these guidelines and how to best position yourself to adhere to best practices.