Education Portfolio
5 June 2023
This June the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians celebrates pride month with all of our LGBTQIA+ members, their family, friends, and clients. Dermal Health Professionals are an important source of affirmative health care for the LGBTQIA+ communities in Australia
Many LGBTQIA+ individuals have had negative experiences in seeking healthcare or know someone who has. This can impact their seeking help in the future and accessing the health care they may need.
7 things you can do as a healthcare provider to assist in providing a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming skin health service.
🌈Leadership and engagement - as business owners familiarise yourself with toolkits and resources to create a more welcoming and inclusive service to support LGBTQIA+ employees and clients. Identify gaps in order to champion and implement change.
🌈Review and implement policies to support LGBTQIA+ individuals including anti-discrimination policies, restroom policies, and family and support person policies. Implement inclusivity training for all employees in the business.
🌈 Does your space and online presence communicate that you are welcoming and inclusive? Do you have resources, images, and educational support materials that are inclusive of the LGBTQIA+ community?
🌈Do your forms reflect LGBTQIA+ individuals and their relationships? Common areas to reflect and reframe are questions around gender, marital and family status.
🌈Consider how you communicate or ask questions about anatomy relating to your services and LGBTQIA+ relationships with their bodies. Clients may have body parts that don't align with traditional concepts of male and female.
🌈Consider how you can assist with improving accessibility and affordability for LGBTQIA+ affirmative therapy. The LGBTQIA+ community experiences disadvantages including higher rates of unemployment or transient and casual employment, homelessness, and mental health challenges.
🌈Partnerships and engagement with LGBTQIA+ organisations can assist with collaborative networks, education, and resources.