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Stress Awareness Month

Education Portfolio

1 Apr 2023

Stress is part of all our lives. At times this can help us perform better and keeps us safe through our fight, flight, or freeze reflexes. Stress is no longer good for us when it becomes chronic and the demands of stress exceed the resources we have to manage those demands. Learn more about how we can identify stress in ourselves and others including our family, friends, colleagues and patients as well as strategies to assist with managing stress.

Stress is part of all our lives. At times this can help us perform better and keeps us safe through our fight, flight, or freeze reflexes. Stress is no longer good for us when it becomes chronic and the demands of stress exceed the resources we have to manage those demands. There can be mental, emotional, physical and behavioural impacts on us in this situation. As skin health professionals we also know the impact on the skin that stress can have.

April is stress awareness month and while we can feel that stress is something we can't avoid, there are definitely things we can do to help manage it. The stress management association provides some really helpful resources to assist with having the conversation about identifying when we are feeling very stressed as well as how to prevent this in our personal lives and at work or assist with evidence based recommendations for our clients as well on things they can investigate.

This month take the opportunity to take some time out for self-care strategies to assist with stress and set up some new habits that may be helpful in the future.

While there are things we can do to help with the stress if symptoms of stress are impacting your physical health and mental well-being, please reach out - there is support available. Talk to somebody you trust, contact your GP, or reach out to a mental health service or Employee Assistance Program.

In a mental health emergency call
triple zero (000) or mental health triage
ACT: 1800 629 354 FREE
NSW: 1800 011 511 FREE
NT: 1800 682 288
QLD: 1300 MH CALL (1300 642255) FREE
SA: 13 14 65 FREE
TAS: 1800 332 388 FREE
VIC: go here for mental health services in your area, oe call NURSE-ON-CALL on 1300 60 60 24
WA: 1800 676 822 FREE
For mental health support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or MensLine on 1300 78 99 78

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