Education Portfolio
30 Apr 2023
Hand hygiene has the capacity to save lives when performed at the right moments in health care delivery and using the right practice for those moments.
When performed correctly and at the right moments it not only protects our patients but it protects us as health care providers. Including assisting to maintain skin health, particularly of our hands.
May 5th marks global hand hygiene awareness day (World Health Organisation WHO). It is generally recommended that compliance training including hand hygiene is completed every 12 months to maintain vigilance and best practices. Marking this day in your workplaces is a timely reminder to complete your hand hygiene refresher workshops or training in the workplace.
Hand hygiene has the capacity to save lives when performed at the right moments in health care delivery and using the right practice for those moments.
When performed correctly and at the right moments it not only protects our patients but it protects us as health care providers. Including assisting to maintain skin health, particularly of our hands.
With concerns of microbial resistance in health care, using hand hygiene practices this simple but effective technique can play an important role in reducing the risk of cross-contamination and infection.
❔Does your workplace have an annual hand hygiene compliance training program?
❔Do you audit your hand hygiene practices regularly?
❔Do you know how to do this or where to access resources to assist you?
Below are two great resources for you to access for hand hygiene training
1. As an ASDC member you can access AUSMED for regular updates and training in hand hygiene.
2. In Australia the Australian Commission on the Safety and Quality in Health Care provides access to training and auditing tools. They also gather data on compliance and set benchmarks. This a great resource for dermal health professionals to demonstrate their commitment to safe practice in the provision of skin services.