October 14, 2020 is a day worth celebrating for Dermal Skin Health Professionals, with two equally important coinciding events.

The Australasian College of Dermatologists (ASD) is celebrating International Skin Health Day. Skin Health Day is a joint project of the International League of Dermatological Societies and the International Society of Dermatology. Many organisations, including the ASDC are expressing support for the importance of Skin Health in Australia and around the world.
This year the ASD are focusing on the importance of accessing expert advice and care for skin problems during this time and into the future with Tele-health. Chronic skin conditions and chronic wounds are a significant burden in both cost and psychosocial impact to those with these health issues. The ASD have released a new report ‘More than skin deep: Skin diseases in Australia-

AHPA is also celebrating Allied Health Professionals Day today. This event is also an international event bringing together and celebrating all Allied Health Professions.
The Commonwealth Chief Allied Health Officer, Dr Anne-Marie Boxall has recorded a message for AHPs Day in acknowledgement of the important and valued contribution made by all Allied Health Professions in Health and other sectors to ensure the health and wellbeing of Australians.
Victorian Chief Allied Health Officer, Donna Markham, will be hosting a webinar by safer Victoria today, celebrating the important work of those in allied health and continuing to looking beyond COVID-19 with a strong future for all AHPs.
As affiliate members of AHPA and with a strong connection to Skin Health working in interprofessional teams with both allied health and health professionals, including Dermatologists, we encourage ASDC members to join us in celebrating International Skin Health & AHPs Day 2020. You can contribute to raising awareness of the allied health sector and those with skin conditions by sharing social media posts such as photos of staff events marking the occasion, profiles of allied health teams and practitioners, and videos highlighting the work of different professions.
Don’t forget to include event hashtags such as #AHPsDay #AHPsDay2020 #strongertogether #alliedhealth #DermalClinians #ASDC #SkinHealth2020